Mar 4, 2016

Things People Say about Art

Crescent Beach Fence 8 x 10"
I've spent years listening to people as they view my paintings. Most of the time, they're great. They say really nice things. They buy my work.

But sometimes, the comments are astounding.

Just last week: "Oh, look at this piece. She copied this. It looks just like [artist x who lives down the road]." (The artist that lives down the road probably copied it from me.)

"Can you explain to me how you painted this? My 10-year-old is a much better artist, and I'd like to know how you did it so I can have him do it too." (I smiled.)

"I'd like to take class with you. I love your paintings. I've only painted twice, but I can do much better than your work over there." (The person never signed up for a class.)

It seems that many people just don't know or care what they say. They're being honest. But really rude.

No problem. I understand. I just come away with a great story and have a good laugh.