Aug 6, 2014

Painting Children From a Photograph

African-American child at beach
On the Rocks (c) Mary Hubley

Starting a Beach Child Painting

Part of my beach children series, this little girl gazes into the surf. She's relaxed, in awe of the waves, and totally at peace. She almost looks like she's ready to fly into the wind.

Tone and Draw In First

When I paint from photos, I tone my painting first with a weak solution of turp and oil color. I then do a quick gestural drawing in the same thinned paint color to make sure the figure and background fit well within the bounds of the canvas, and that the general abstract composition is right. Next, I carefully draw in the most challenging areas, which are usually the face and the body. I spend most of my time here. Getting it right and painting details may require several sessions before I'm happy with the proportions. Finally, I add the colors. I often paint the background simpler than the child, sometimes just creating a suggestion of water, rocks, and waves.

Genre: Figure
Painting Name: On the Rocks
Size: 6" x 6"
Media: Oil on Canvas

-- Mary Hubley

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